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Articles tagged Risk & Compliance

Stay clear of tax hurdles: Why validating European VAT Numbers is key for your business

In order to qualify for the zero VAT rate when selling goods to a business located in another EU member state, a company must demonstrate that the goods have…

The (true) cost of data daily updates

We have been following our clients introducing daily updates from large international sources. These sources beckon with the widest data elements and the most…

Put into master data perspective: Compliance

Save your organization from some rather ugly scenarios by advancing your compliance actitities with proper master data management. Consider these insights and…

Webinar on Demand: Combating fraud challenges with data collaboration

Discover how the power of community intelligence can safeguard your business against continuously evolving fraud techniques. At CDQ we believe we are stronger…

How effective data management can save your company a lot of money

Technology and automation has made financial transactions more convenient, but it has also opened up the avenue for scammers to commit fraud, costing corporations as well as consumers millions of dollars in damages every year.

Don't let labor-intensive procedures stand in the way of fraud prevention!

Invoice fraud with manipulated bank account data is a threat to every business. Checking procedures before a payment is moved forward to a verified destination…