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From e-bikes to e-mail guards: CDQ Data Sharing Community Workshop highlights

Marketing & Community Manager

Another unforgettable CDQ Data Sharing Community Workshop has wrapped up, and what an incredible two days it’s been! Packed with insightful sessions, engaging discussions, and a vibrant exchange of ideas, we’re truly grateful for the enthusiastic participation of our 60 attendees, both in person and online.

From first-timers eager to explore data quality to our seasoned participants - some joining us for the fifth time - the workshop united a passionate community committed to improving data quality from the ground up. New friendships were forged, and valuable connections made, as we collectively worked to enhance our data practices.


Kicking off with energy and insights

We kicked off day one with a jam-packed agenda designed to spark innovation in the business partner master data domain (and beyond). Oliver, one of our hosts, set the tone by arriving on a rented e-bike—an unplanned touch that, as the sessions unfolded with dynamic energy, seemed like a fitting symbol of the day. The room (and online chat) buzzed with excitement as customers, both new and returning, shared stories and ideas over coffee, ready to dive into the day's sessions.

During our coffee breaks, we kept the data-sharing vibes going with tunes from our LinkedIn #datasummer music series, which also features the CDQ Data Sharing Community itself!



Here’s a recap of what day one had in store:

Creating trusted Business Partner data

Our CDQ First Time Right solution showcased how it helps businesses create accurate business partner records from the start. Through real customer use cases, best practices, and the latest innovations, participants gained actionable insights and discovered what can be achieved with this solution. The presentations inspired new ideas for adopting more sustainable data quality approaches, empowering attendees to enhance their processes with greater efficiency and effectiveness.

Learn more about CDQ First Time Right and how it can transform your data management practices

Interactive world café sessions

Three World Café sessions gave participants the opportunity to tackle real-life challenges and solutions, diving into topics like:

  • Data quality use cases
  • The business value of data sharing
  • And how Golden Records can revolutionize master data management.

It was a fantastic example of the CDQ community coming together to collaboratively solve problems, share experiences, and explore new approaches. The sessions highlighted the power of working together and learning from each other.

CDQ Product updates

We were excited to share updates on our latest products, including enhanced duplicate monitoring that simplifies identifying and managing duplicate data records. With smarter algorithms and automation, this feature will help businesses maintain cleaner, more reliable datasets.

One of the most significant trends we’re seeing is the global shift toward digital compliance. Governments worldwide are implementing stricter regulations to ensure that business transactions are accurately recorded, reported, and taxed. This is particularly evident in e-invoicing. Continuous monitoring and data accuracy are crucial as these regulations evolve. Whether it’s ensuring that an invoice complies with new e-invoicing standards, reporting transactions for DAC7, or providing the correct information for PLACI, the accuracy of the data we manage is more important than ever.

As the day wraps up, the conversations don't stop

After a full day of learning and collaboration, participants enjoyed a delightful evening out in Düsseldorf. The dinner was a chance to unwind, reflect on the day’s insights, and continue building the community connections that make this workshop so special. The energy and discussions from the day carried on well into the night, clearly demonstrating that the CDQ community’s passion for data extends beyond the workshop setting!

Continuing with compliance & efficiency

Day two brought a focus on risk and compliance, with discussions centered on enhancing data security and regulatory adherence. Trust, a cornerstone of our community, naturally emerged as a key theme throughout the day.

Securing communications

We introduced Email Domain Guard, a new tool designed to protect against email fraud by verifying email domains across departments. By ensuring fraud-free, secure communications, Email Domain Guard builds trust in every email exchange.

Find out more about CDQ Email Domain Guard 


Streamlining compliance

Next, we discussed the expanded capabilities of AML Guard, which now offers fully autonomous anti-money-laundering screening. This tool allows compliance teams to manage audits and monitor activities seamlessly, with the upcoming CDQ AML Guard App promising even greater efficiency.

Find out more about CDQ AML Guard 


World café sessions: Automation and efficiency

The day continued with additional World Café sessions, where participants explored:

  • Data quality assessment approaches for evaluating and improving data quality
  • Handling critical master data updates with CDQ Zero Maintenance
  • Automating bank account verification to reduce fraud risk

We heard the participants’ feedback and are committed to building further on what started here. The discussions will continue through future community workshops and regular Jour Fixes, offering more opportunities for in-depth exchange and collaboration.

At CDQ, we believe that sharing is caring. Our data-sharing community members not only see this but also feel and hear it in every interaction. We’re committed to fostering an environment where you can continuously share, learn, and grow together. It’s amazing to see our participants embracing this spirit and being an integral part of this journey!

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Building trust in the CDQ Data Sharing Community

At the heart of this workshop (and the CDQ community at large) is trust. It’s this trust that allows for open, honest exchanges between members, enabling them to share experiences, discuss challenges, and offer solutions without reservations. The CDQ Data Sharing Community is a space where businesses can connect, knowing they are supported by like-minded peers committed to improving data quality and integrity, while enjoying their time together.

What truly sets the CDQ Data Sharing Community Workshop apart from other events is the spirit of collaboration that extends beyond the sessions. After hours, lively discussions continued over dinner, with both newcomers and long-time members sharing insights, experiences, and future plans.

It’s inspiring to see how far we’ve come as a community and how aligned we are in our mission to improve data quality. Many participants left Düsseldorf not only with new knowledge but also with new connections and opportunities for collaboration.

Thank you!

A heartfelt thank you to all our participants for your energy, enthusiasm, and willingness to share!

We’re already looking forward to the next event, where we’ll continue pushing the boundaries of data excellence.

Will you join us?



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